Thursday, 10 September 2015

Better Safe Than Sorry

With a growing number of youth and adolescents participating in sports, the number injuries is rising.  Some reports indicate that 36% of all unintentional injuries to children and adolescents are sports related.  According to the American Dental Association, of those injuries, 10-20% involve maxillofacial structures (face and teeth).  The National Youth Foundation for Safety has reported that an athlete is 60 times more likely to sustain damage to the teeth when NOT wearing a mouthguard! Most of the time, these injuries cause permanent damage to the teeth.

While damage is often times permanent, prevention is easy!  Fit yourself or your child in a protective mouthguard to be worn at all practices and competitions.  Not only can mouthguards protect teeth, but they may also reduce the rate of concussions when properly custom fitted.  The American Dental Association recommends wearing custom mouthguards for the following sports: 
acrobats, basketball, boxing, field hockey, football, gymnastics, handball, ice hockey, lacrosse, martial arts, racquetball, roller hockey, rugby, shot putting, skateboarding, skiing, skydiving, soccer, squash, surfing, volleyball, water polo, weightlifting, and wrestling. 
Other experts include baseball and softball infielders on that list. 

When selecting a mouthguard, keep in mind that there are 3 types:
                Ready-made or stock mouthguard that are available over the counter
                Mouth-formed "boil and bite" mouthguard, also available over the counter
                Custom-made mouthguard made by a dentist

These mouthguards vary in price and comfort, yet all provide some protection. According to the American Dental Association, the most effective mouthguard should be comfortable, resistant to tearing, and resilient. A mouthguard should fit properly, be durable, easily cleaned, and not restrict speech or breathing. 

If you aren't wearing a mouthguard and do incur an injury to your teeth, time is critical!  Seek dental treatment immediately, do not wait till the end of the game!  For the best outcome, get to a dentist within 2 hours.